📅4月20日/April 20
穀雨/Grain Rain🌦
宜採茶/A lucky day for tea plucking
Grain Rain is the last solar term in spring, which is from an old Chinese saying – Rain aids the growth of countless grain. This means the rain is very important for the growth of grain at this time of year.
在4月19-21日間,即將從「清明」 進入「穀雨」節氣,此時豐沛的雨水降臨大地,植物極速地生長,是一年中農作最重要的春雨期,「雨生百穀🌱」也是最重要的採收季節。
“Qingming is too early, beginning of Summer is too late, around Grain Rain period is just right”. Now is the Grain Rain period, what are you waiting for? Let’s go and brew a pot of tea.
「清明太早,立夏太遲,穀雨前後,其時適中。」穀雨的到來,預告春茶的採收期開始了, 最近到產茶區,便可以聞到陣陣茶香喔!🍵
The 24 Solar Terms.
Spring tea is coming soon in April.
LuYuan Tea Online Shop